Lane 7000 Installation Instructions
1) Remove old CC terminal, uninstall existing version of triPOS
2) Delete this folder: C:/Program Files (x86)/Vantiv
3) Install new version of triPOS (7.4.0) by running the "triPOS Setup.exe", checking the I agree to terms and conditions and clicking Install when prompted.
4) Enter 0 for the AcceptorID, AccountID, and Account Token and click Next
5) Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Vantiv\triPOS Service and look for the file named "triPOS.config". Open this file in Notepad by right clicking file and selecting "Edit with notepad"
6) Select everything in the file by pressing Ctrl + A and press backspace
7) Grab the Master triPOS.config file for the store you are installing at and copy all contents into the config file on the machine.
8) Press Ctrl + F and search for "??" in the local config file.
9) Enter the Machine ID for lane ID - e.g. POS-32-02 = 3202
10) Enter the COM port that the CC terminal is on. You can find this by going to Device Manager, expanding Ports (COM & LPT). The "USB Serial Device" is the Lane 7000 CC terminal
11) Save the file, once this is done, the CC terminal should begin a reboot process, then say "Downloading L7000.OGZ" This download process will take 45 minute - 1 hour. Once the download is complete, the CC terminal will say "Welcome to Goodwill" and should be ready to process CC transactions. Ensure a test transaction is run to confirm everything is working as expected.